Monday, September 17, 2012

Advantages & Disadvantages of Dental Implant

Advantages of using implant

1. Preserves Jaw  Bone- A common thing to see after tooth extraction is residual ridge resorption, this causes the jaw bone to reduce in height and width. Implant stimulates the tooth in same way as the natural tooth, hence preserving the jaw bone in natural form. 

2.Better function- Implant is the closest replica of natural tooth, It's  function is best in all kind of dental ever the placement and design does matter for it's best function.

3.Best Aesthetics and cosmetic results- No other dental prosthesis can produce aesthetic which is equal to the implants, It provides a look of emergence ( as if  tooth is coming out of the gums)

4. Best stability and retention- Due to osteointegration of implant into the bone it is best in retention and stability . No other dental prosthesis can be compared with this.

5.Comfort- no flanges, no retentive clasps, no preparation of adjacent tooth, it's the most comfortable type of dental prosthesis.

Advantage of Dental Implant


1.Expensive- Due to the technical sensitivity and use of high end equipment and materials implant is a costly option.This is best prosthetic treatment but patient can afford it or not this is the concern.

2.Limitations due to Medical conditions -Medically compromised patient can't have implants, even if they want to go for implants it's not possible to provide the implant surgery.

3.Patient compliance- Implant treatment need patience and time by patients as well as dentist, lot's of recalls and after care visits require good patient compliance.

4. Limitation due to anatomical factors- It can't be placed on very part of the jaw, It have some anatomical limitations.

Dentistry — A Career for the Future

Most dentists practicing today made their career decision in late high school or early college. It is never too soon or too late to begin some serious thinking about your career in dentistry.
To get started, you will need to know what dentistry offers. This section discusses dentistry's many challenges and rewards.
Variety — Dentistry is a rapidly changing, expanding profession, involving:
  • Detection of diseases: Dentists are often the first health care professionals to recognize and identify a wide variety of diseases, ranging from hypertension to cancer.
  • Diagnosis: Dentists diagnose and treat problems affecting the teeth, gingival tissue, tongue, lips and jaws. To accomplish this, they utilize new technology such as computers and magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Esthetic improvement: Dentists improve patients' appearance by using a wide variety of cosmetic dental procedures. These services can make patients feel better about their smiles.
  • Surgical restoration: To repair, restore and maintain the teeth, gums and oral tissues that have been lost or damaged by accidents or diseases, dentists perform trauma surgery, implants, tissue grafts and laser surgery.
  • Public education/prevention: Dentists teach good habits for good health. They educate their patients, as well as the general public, on how to achieve oral health and prevent disease.
Dentists treat people, not just teeth and mouths. They interact with people of all ages, cultures and personalities. The dentist's typical day is diverse and interesting.

Creativity — Dentists are artists as well as scientists. To brighten one tooth or realign an entire jaw, dentists must have an artist's esthetic sense to help their patients look their best.

Prestige — Dentists provide an essential health care service. They are highly respected within the community.
Dentists are skilled, conscientious, civic-minded individuals who work with community leaders, educators, other health professionals and government officials. They often volunteer services to school health programs and to elderly, handicapped or poor citizens, demonstrating a selflessness that is a hallmark of professionalism.

Flexibility — Dentistry allows you to be your own boss. Dentists can balance their personal and professional lives to meet their individual needs and desires.
Dentistry provides opportunities in a variety of private and public settings including private practice, teaching, research, public health and administration.

Security — The demand for dental care will continue to grow. The increasing number of older adults are keeping their teeth longer, are more aware of the importance of regular dental care and require more dental services. Geriatric dental care and the greatly increased demand for newer services, such as cosmetic dentistry, also will contribute to this growth.

Personal Satisfaction — A career in dentistry is personally fulfilling. Dentists perform an important public service to help people maintain their health and appearance. To serve the present and future oral health needs of their patients, dentists enjoy the challenge of a lifetime of learning. Tomorrow's dentists will be at the cutting edge of high technology, making the practice of dentistry even more exciting and rewarding than it is today.

The Fields Of Specialization In Dentistry For Your Dental Health

Dentists are just like artists who have several fields of expertise. One artist may be adept in making realistic paintings while another artist can be famous for his skills in sculpting. The same thing happens in the profession of dentistry wherein one dentist may be good in extracting a tooth but may not be skilled enough in treating gum diseases. That is why there are instances when a patient will be referred to another dental professional if a specific problem requires a different dental procedure that the current dentist may not be to adept with. A good example for this is in the case in which a general dentist will refer you to an orthodontist for the installation of dental braces.
Definitely there are different types of diseases and illnesses associated with oral health. Some dentists may have also gotten their expertise in a specific oral disease due to several patients he may have worked on before. Yet there are field of studies in dentistry that a dental profession can specialize in. So here are some specializations that dentists can further expand in their profession:
1) Endodontics - This involves the treatment inside the tooth and can be explained by scrutinizing the origin of this medical terminology. The term came from the word "endo" which is Greek for inside and "odont" which is Greek for tooth. Thus, the most frequent task that endodontists do is root canal.
2) Pedodontics - This is the terminology used for pediatric dentistry and this field is dedicated for children's oral health. The specialization is very important role in the treatment of today's epidemic with early childhood dental caries or severe tooth decay which is an infectious disease that has infected around 70% of the children in the US.
3) Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery - This field involves complex tooth extractions and placement of dental implants. Dental surgeons also perform the removal of benign and malignant tumors in the mouth, neck, jaws, and in rare cases even the head. Other surgeries involve the treatment of sleep apnea and other disorders associated with speech impediment and in the jaw joints.
4) Orthodontics - It involves the diagnosing, preventing, and treating facial irregularities due to dental issues. Orthodontists are responsible in the installation of dental braces and dentofacial developments. There are stringent requirements in including this advanced specialty as part of a dentist's qualifications and admission to dental programs for orthodontics is competitive.
Some of the above specializations in dentistry may require dentists to earn one them after passing an advanced specialization program which may take 2 to 3 years. Thus for those patients with dental problems that require a dentist with specialization, they may have to consider getting referred to another dental professional if their general dentist may not be that skillful of treating such case.

General Dentistry Advantages Over Specialization

General dentistry is a field that encompasses most of the basics of the dental profession. Students who wish to go into being a dental professional usually start with this in mind and then specialize in certain fields when they are almost done with the course. When a dentist is a general practitioner, this means that he does not have a specialty but is well versed with the basics of the course. For many patients, going to a practitioner who is in this field may be less difficult compared to visiting specialists. This is especially true for patients who do not need the specialists care.

There are certain advantages to visiting a general dentistry practitioner compared to a dental specialist. One of these is the fact that there are more of these professionals around than those who practice specialties. The larger number means that waiting time for appointments is not too great. Many specialists have very specific specialties that they might have a busy schedule dealing with statewide issues of their patients. On the other hand, a dentist who practices the basics can deal with the basic problem at hand quite easily without the need for further assessments and studies. Basic treatments and procedures are those that do not need to be looked at by specific dentists who have studied further into specialized fields. When a dentist sees something wrong with the patient that needs the attention of a specialist, he will recommend one whom he knows. Another advantage is the lesser cost of the treatment.

A general dentistry practitioner does not charge too much for the basic treatments and procedures. Specialists can charge higher for even the basic procedures because they believe that their time and effort are precious, and this is also quite true. Some specialists have concentrated on their craft too much that they have not honed their skills with the basic treatments and procedures. Consequently, these individuals are not good candidates to extract teeth, do fillings, polish and clean teeth. In factFree Articles, some of those who practice in specialized dental fields do not do basic treatments and procedures anymore. They know their capacity and prefer to concentrate more on their specialty rather than spread themselves too thin. This is because they know that there are many dentists who practice the basics who can treat the patient without their help. They often prefer to spend their time treating the patients who need their specialized care more. The specialists often recommend a practitioner who can see to the patients' basic needs and preferences.

These are just some of the advantages that patients get by visiting a general dentistry practitioner. There are more benefits of dong so and these will come to light when the patients realize that it was a good choice to opt for the dentist who does general dentistry than the specialist. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Future Dentistry (Nanotechnology)

It is an emerging multidisciplinary field to look for the reparation, improvement, and maintenance of cells, tissues, and organs by applying cell therapy and tissue engineering methods. With the help of nanotechnology it is possible to interact with cell components, to manipulate the cell proliferation and differentiation, and the production and organization of extracellular matrices.
Present day nanomedicine exploits carefully structured nanoparticles such as dendrimers, carbon fullerenes (buckyballs), and nanoshells to target specific tissues and organs. These nanoparticles may serve as diagnostic and therapeutic antiviral, antitumor, or anticancer agents. Years ahead, complex nanodevices and even nanorobots will be fabricated, first of biological materials but later using more durable materials such as diamond to achieve the most powerful results.

Within 10–20 years it should become possible to construct machines on the micrometer scale made up of parts on the nanometer scale. Subassemblies of such devices may include such as useful robotic components as 100 nm manipulater arms, 10 nm sorting rotors for molecule by molecule reagent purification, and smooth super hard surfaces made of automically flawless diamond.
Nanocomputers would assume the important task of activating, controlling, and deactivating such nanomechanical devices. Nanocomputers would store and execute mission plans, receive and process external signals and stimuli, communicate with other nanocomputers or external control and monitoring devices, and possess contextual knowledge to ensure safe functioning of the nanomechanical devices. Such technology has enormous medical and dental implications.
Programmable nanorobotic devices would allow physicians to perform precise interventions at the cellular and molecular level. Medical nanorobots have been proposed for genotological applicatons in pharmaceuticals research, clinical diagnosis, and in dentistry, and also mechanically reversing atherosclerosis, improving respiratory capacity, enabling near-instantaneous homeostasis, supplementing immune system, rewriting or replacing DNA sequences in cells, repairing brain damage, and resolving gross cellular insults whether caused by irreversible process or by cryogenic storage of biological tissues.
Feynman offered the first known proposal for a nanorobotic surgical procedure to cure heart disease, “A friend of mine (Albert R. Hibbs) suggests a very interesting possibility for relatively small machines. He says that, although it is a very wild idea, it would be interesting in surgery if you could swallow the surgeon. You put the mechanical surgeon inside the blood vessel and it goes into the heart and looks around. It finds out which valve is the faulty and takes a little knife and slices it out, that we can manufacture an object that maneuvers at that level, other small machines might be permanently incorporated in the body to assist some inadequately functioning organs”.
Many disease causing culprits such as bacteria and viruses are nanosize. So, it only makes sense that nanotechnology would offer us ways of fighting back. The ancient greeks used silver to promote healing and prevent infection, but the treatment took backseat when antibiotics came on the scene. Nycryst pharmaceuticals (Canada) revived and improved an old cure by coating a burn and wound bandage with nanosize silver particles that are more reactive than the bulk form of metal. They penetrate into skin and work steadily. As a result, burn victims can have their dressings changed just once a week.